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Gypsy Bard Bass Tab and Violin Requests

PureAFM shared a great bass tab for the Gypsy Bard from hilariously awesome fan-show Friendship is Witchcraft. This song seems to have quite the fan club, so hopefully folks will be excited to play along on the bass. Find the tab here, and watch PureAFM's tutorial in the video!

We also have a plea for more violin sheet music. Specifically, the songs that have been requested are B.B.B.F.F., This Day Aria, Love is in Bloom, Find a Pet, Becoming Popular, Smile Smile Smile, Extended Title Theme, At the Gala, Ballad of the Crystal Ponies, and The Failure Song. If you feel like taking on one (or more!) of these songs, send it to us and we'll post it up!


  1. Well, is violin music basically the same to flute music? If so, I can probably write some of those songs.

    1. Pretty sure it can be the same, except the articulations in advanced sheet music is different, nothing to fret about for it though.
      Violin can go lower and higher than the flute, although, once again, nothing to worry about.
      So practically, yes. Violin and flute sheet music is the same practically.

  2. I'm working on the violin arrangements that are here already, but I would be more than happy to have access to these songs as well! Ugh, Art of the Dress is so hard >.<

    As for flute music being the same as violin...I have no idea, sorry :(

  3. Do you have the Gypsy Bard on flute?

  4. Actually, I've tried playing Gypsy Bard in violin. It's too hard for me with the original tuning, but if you tune your violin 1/2 tune lower it's really easier.
    I think I could write the music sheet, but I've never done this before, which program should I use?

    1. A lot of folks use MuseScore or TuxGuitar. They are both free!

  5. I more so want to know if the bass tab is actually possible without a stupid amount of practice on bass because I've seen the tab and it scares me.
