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It's Everypony Sings' First Birthday!

Today, May 18th, is Everypony Sing's birthday! It's hard to believe that this site started only one year ago. It has grown immensely from a site with just a few things to a massive library - nearly 300 files in all.

To celebrate, ESPPony put together this recording of the Happy Birthday Song. It's a fun little piece of music (I love the tonalities ESPPony gets out of his guitar). The wonderful artwork in the video was done by tanaisfox.

I also want to express my deepest gratitude for everypony who visits and shares music with the site. It's been a true privilege to see and listen to your talent. This fandom is an amazing thing - I've never experienced anything quite like it before.

This site is truly the work of the community. Y'all have helped this site to grow and encouraged people to play great music. All of us on the team are extremely grateful. Now let's look forward to another fantastic year!


  1. Happy birthday! All of your music scores, tabs, and chords are super helpful and amazing (thanks to all the bronies out there!) And I have been getting my guitar class to play some pony songs on their own. So far there are 2 who like the music, one becoming a brony and another one of my friends is a good tolerator. Thanks for all you have done and see you all again!


  2. (\

    Thank you, NS_Radication!

  3. Yeah, I can't believe it's already been a year. I've watched this place like a hawk since it was first online and I'm honored to be a part of its history. I met some new friends and I'm contributing something to the community I love.
