It's almost Christmas, so here's a present! Shawnyall shared a melody tab for Winter Wrap Up. It's an extensive piece, and it's a blast to play. Click here to see them.
We might not be ready to clean up the snow just yet, but it's always the right time to enjoy great music. Thanks to Shawnyall for sharing!
Power Chord made a rockin' cover of the CMC theme. It's got fantastic instrumentation, including a heck of a guitar line. Listen, enjoy, and rock out! Thanks for sharing, Power Chord.
On a related note, Power Chord is planning a live stream (or maybe a podcast) that will feature interviews with Brony musicians. Keep an ear out for it in the future. It'll be exciting stuff!
As always, if you have a cover you would like to share, send us an email. It might take it little longer for us to respond back, however, during the holiday season.
When listening to Yang Watanabe's EP, Making Covers is Magic, one word comes to mind: cool. The album has five tracks, and they are absolutely delightful. Give the album a spin. You'll love it!
Mr. supdawgs shared a gorgeous, orchestral rendition of Fluttershy's lullaby. He took a short song from the show and expanded it into an even more elegant piece of music. It's simply stunning! Give it a listen on right. You can also visit Mr. supdawgs' Youtube channel.
Thanks for sharing your music, Mr. supdawgs!
Have we reminded people about the Rainbow Dash Network recently? You can follow us there to see updates about Everypony Sings.
What happens when you combine death metal and My Little Pony? You get My Dying Pony, a band made by Nightmare Lyre and 10RSAX! These die hard pony fans shared one of their songs, which you can listen to on the left. It's an awesome version of the title theme that is sure to please any metal fan. Give it a listen, and surf over to their Youtube Channel.
If you have a pony cover you want to share, send us an email. It's always great to hear the creativity of this community!
Perfect for all your holiday get-togethers: Reedmace Star shared an a capella chorale version (for SATB) of The Heart Carol. It's simply beautiful! You can listen to a midi version here and then take a look at the sheet music or the Lilypond version.
(If you want to download Lilypond, which is a free music editor, you should go take a look at their website.)
Thanks again to Reedmace Star for sharing this superb arrangement!
The great Piranhaplant is at it again! This time, Piranhaplant sent in two versions of The Heart Carol (A Circle of Friends): chords, which would be perfect for guitar or piano, and sheet music for a piano reduction of the song. It's just the thing to get you in the holiday spirit, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Hearth's Warming Eve, or something else entirely!
On a related note, some of the Everypony Sings team will be traveling over the holidays. We'll do our best to keep things updated, but there may be some delay. Happy holidays, everypony!
As you've probably seen by now, there was a new song in this morning's episode. It is a short, but fun, piece of music. See it in the view on the right.
And that means it is time to play it! Thanks to miskof for sharing these chords. They are a blast to play, so grab a few friends, warm up your voices, and start singing!
We'll be posting a permanent link on the music page later today. We need to get an HD image from the song first. As always, shoot us an email if you have some music to share.
Thanks to SierraEx for letting us use this awesome vector of Derpy. We used it to place a little Derpy at the bottom of the main page. We'll be hiding other ponies in various pages, so keep an eye out for them. If you want a real challenge, try to find the hidden Pinkie Pie.
Make sure also to look at SierraEx's DA page; it's full of fantastic artwork and nice looking vectors!
Apple Jack has a great idea: play more piano! To help, Lauren Winter has shared a charming piano and voice reduction of Art of the Dress. It's a fantastic rendition of a fantastic song.
Contributor Just Another Brony shared a very cool version of So Many Wonders. It's sheet music for the bass line of the song with a fun swing rhythm. Check it out in either MuseScore or PDF. (If you don't have MuseScore, you can download it here for free.)
Just Another Brony suggested that it might be a cool project to build on this bass line. Have fun!
Thanks again to Just Another Brony for sharing so many resources for this song.
Just Another Brony shared some great chords for So Many Wonders. If you've been sad about the lack of Fluttershy so far in Season Two, you should go check out these chords and revisit the adorableness that is Fillyshy! They would work well for guitar, piano, or just about any other instrument.
Thanks again to Just Another Brony for sharing some wonderful musical talent!
We have another version of The Pony Everypony Should Know (Becoming Popular) to share with you all!
OctaviasPianist sent in a piano arrangement, complete with video and sheet music (page 1 and page 2). I have to say, it's another job well done. This version seems very smooth, even peaceful. Lots of fun to listen to, and probably lots of fun to play! You can also check out OctaviasPianist's Youtube page.
Jepp, an active member of the Everypony Sings community, shared a melody line guitar tab for everypony's new favorite song: The Pony Everypony Should Know (Becoming Popular). Jepp, you did a great job mapping out that melody line! Thanks!
Skootties has written new piano arrangements for two more songs: Giggle at the Ghostly and the Title Theme. The brightness of the piano works well with Giggle at the Ghostly, and the arrangement of the theme does a nice job of capturing the energy of the
original. To say it simply, they sound great!
WistonAndTheRadish constructed some fantastic pony covers using everypony's favorite video game: Minecraft. These projects must have taken a lot of talent (and redstone!) so make sure to give them a listen. The video on the right is Cupcakes. Some of the other songs include: At the Gala Cutie Mark Crusaders' Theme Find A Pet Winter Wrap Up
If you're itching to hear some music from season 2, make sure to surf over to Find a Pet. Thanks to WistonAndTheRadish for sharing!
(I love your Derpy Minecraft skin, by the way.)
Andrew (aka bassmasta696 on Youtube) shared a metal cover of Winter Wrap Up that he made along with a friend. For a lack of better words, it rocks! The chorus is particularly awesome. See the video on the left, or give it a listen over at SoundCloud.
If you have a cover of a pony song you want to share, shoot us an email. We'll post it up in the news feed so everypony can enjoy it!
Holy smokes, musical bronies! You guys are bringing the talent. We have another two versions of "The Pony Everypony Should Know" to share with you today. First of all, frequent site contributor Piranhaplant sent in guitar chords—check those out here. He always does a wonderful job.
Also, Macs submitted guitar chords, which you can check out here. They're a blast to play!
It's great to get so many different submissions. Thanks to everypony for sharing. Musical cutie marks for all of you!
We hope you've all watched the latest episode—and seen Rarity's fabulous new song! Check it out in the video on the left.
We already have two versions of "The Pony Everypony Should Know" to share with you!First, miskof submitted guitar chords, so you can strum along. They are a ton of fun! Find them here.
Also, skootties (who just sent in that great version of the Find a Pet song!) shared a piano reduction of this new song, too. You can listen to a recording here, and check out skootties Youtube channel. Or you can download the sheet music and give it a try yourself!
Thanks to these awesome pony fans for sharing their musical talent. Keep it up!
We have an amazing piano arrangement to share with you all today! Skootties made a stellar piano arrangement of the Find a Pet song. You can listen to skootties' recording in the video (on the right), or take a look at the sheet music. While you're at it, check out skootties' Youtube channel! Also...
*Spoiler Warning* There was a fun song in the new episode today. We'll have more on that later!
A song about a place filled with so many wonders. Brony Its Sonic sent in a guitar tab with the melody line of So Many Wonders. Go take a look, it's really cute!
If you're not already following us on the Rainbow Dash Network... well, you should be! Follow us for notification whenever we update. Not to mention, the Rainbow Dash Network is super cool.
Well, in the race to come up with chords for "Find a Pet," we have a winner! Site contributor (and awesome brony) Piranhaplant sent in some spectacular chords. Find a partner to sing with, and start playing!
Just as a reminder, if you have some music to share, send an email to everyponysings[at]gmail[dot]com. Let us know what name you would like us to attribute the music to and if you have a webpage to which we can link.
We just watched today's episode and holy smokes, everypony—that was quite the song! Check it out if you haven't seen it already.
As always, if you want to submit a recording, sheet music, chords, or tablature, shoot us an email at everyponysings[at]gmail[dot]com. We love to feature and share the work of fellow fans.
We've got a new version of Making Cupcakes to share with you all. Julian sent us a piano and vocal arrangement of the song. Get out your keyboard, and go check it out. It's great!
While you're at it, go check out the music page. We did a slight redesign to make things easier to find. There's also a secret Pinkie Pie!
We don't know about where you are, fellow bronies, but we are ready to wrap up winter right now. We may not be able to control the weather with pegasus powers, but at least we have an awesome new version of Winter Wrap Up to share with you!
Bass Drop submitted an amazing full orchestration of W.W.U. Seriously, you have to check it out. He sent us a pdf and a midi file. Maybe if you listen to it over and over again, it'll get warmer and sunnier outside. That's what we're hoping, anyway.
Have you been feeling sad that we haven't had any new music in season 2 yet? Well, here is a little something to make you feel better: Sergmaster00 sent in a wonderful Guitar Pro file for the Cutie Mark Crusader theme. It includes parts for guitar, bass, keyboard, and vocals. Make sure to give this one a look!
As always, if you don't have Guitar Pro, we recommend Tux Guitar. It's an open source tab editor that you can download for free.
Brony Piranhaplant has submitted three versions of Winter Wrap Up: a piano reduction, piano chords, and guitar chords. It may not be time to wrap up winter just yet, but when is it not a good time to sing that awesome song? Thanks to Piranhaplant for these fantastic resources!
If any other bronies want to submit material to be placed on the site, send us an email at everyponysings[at]gmail[dot]com. Make sure to let us know what name you'd like us to credit and if you have a website, YouTube channel, or DeviantArt page.
(Batman reference on a pony site? Can we do that?)
The important thing is, we have a whole lot of new bass tabs! Sergmaster00, who submitted several bass tabs earlier, contributed a bunch of new ones. Many of these tabs include two versions, a low-pitched version and a high-pitched version. That means lots of happy bass players out there. Have fun!
Everypony Sings team member Moonlight Sonata contributed a new sheet music version of Giggle at the Ghosty. This version has vocals and a piano line. Go check it out if your life hasn't had enough giggling lately.
In other news, does anyone else feel like October 15 is taking forever to get here?
Have you seen this amazing video yet? It's a fan animation My Little Pony short called "Luna's Lament." This was clearly a labor of love by some talented bronies.
Everypony Sings team member Bagpipe Brony (AKA Glamstar Piper) contributed to the musical portion of the video. A bunch of other talented musicians worked on it as well. If that's not cool, we don't know what is. Watch it! Watch it or face the wrath of Nightmare Moon!
We have been making a few design tweaks to the site as we prepare for music from season two. We wanted to take a moment to say thanks to Sansbox for letting use this set of beautiful pony vectors. There is one of Pinkie Pie that is so hilarious that we plan to use it when and wherever possible. Go take a look at Sansbox's DA page. It'll make you smile!
Don't forget to follow us on the Rainbow Dash Network so that you can keep in touch with future updates. More episodes from season two are fast approaching, and we're hoping for some more music.
Now on to something completely different. Did anyone else see this from the most recent episode of Adventure Time? Music is fun stuff!
How wonderful! Gamerbr768 created guitar tabs for Hush Now, Quite Now. These things are tough to write, and Gamerbr768 has done an absolutely fantastic job. There is even an alternate version so that you can play the entire thing as a calm lullaby. You can take a look at both versions by clicking here.
As you've probably already heard, there will be a remastered theme song with episode three of the new season. Pretty cool, huh? I know we're looking forward to it!
Thanks again to Gamerbr768 and everypony else who has shared their musical talent!
This is your site moderator here, fellow ponies, with a special message. If there's one thing I like as much as ponies, it's giant open world games that let you build anything you can imagine out of blocks. (Also, the physics makes no sense.)
I'm talking about Minecraft, of course. And now I'm very excited to let you know that Everypony Sings has been connected to Minecraft: brony Jepp left us a video of his title-theme-playing Minecraft circuit. I am so impressed by the patience these projects take, not to mention all the redstone. Go check it out. You know you want to.
In other news, we here at Everypony Sings are predicting a new song coming up in the second half of the Season Two opener. How else would you defeat a villain named Discord than with music?! When the new songs show up, we'll be there.
Rainbow Dash is super excited because we have three new pieces of sheet music to share tonight. Brony Evening Shimmer sent us full orchestration versions of the theme song, So Many Wonders, and Winter Wrap Up. They are quite impressive so go check them out! Rainbow Dash would!
In other news, Season Two starts September 17 (as if you weren't already counting the minutes, right?). Everypony Sings wants you to know that we will be continuing the project into Season Two. We will work on guitar chords, tabs, and sheet music as quickly as our schedules will allow - but we're always also happy to receive versions from other bronies.
We are glad to share something exciting with you today! Morty has submitted a version of the Parasprite Polka. This is the song Pinkie plays as she leads all those little creatures out of town. Morty has done a great job with this piece of music, so go check it out.
If you would like to submit some music, feel free to shoot us an email at everyponysings[at]gmail[dot]com. Let us know the name that you go by on the internet so that we can give you credit for your work. If you submit music, we would also be glad to link to your Youtube channel, DA page, etc.
Hey ponies! Remember that cool sheet music Top Hat made of Rainbow Dash's theme from "Boast Busters"? Well, another brony who goes by theperfectone121212 on Youtube made a guitar recording of it. It is fantastically done! You can check out his version on the right.
Surf over to his Youtube channel to see what else he's done!
Thanks to all the music-loving ponies out there who keep sending us their work! Today we have another sheet music version of the title theme, submitted by hookonsonic2. It has all sorts of instrumentation, and it's a wonderfully done piece. Check it out here! While you're at it, also surf over to hookonsonic2's Youtube Channel.
As always, you can send your submissions to everyponysings <at> gmail <dot> com. We're happy to share what other ponies are working on!
They don't call her Rainbow and Dash for nothing. Top Hat made sheet music for the awesome tune that's playing in the background when Rainbow Dash shows up TG&PT (that's The Great and Powerful Trixie, of course). It's so awesome!
The music is in two formats: Tux Guitar and a text file. As a reminder, you can download Tux Guitar for free here if you don't already have it. If you look at the text file, we would recommend downloading it. Viewing text files via a web browser can make them look a bit funny sometimes.
We just uploaded a new pony song resource! Top Hat made a Tux Guitar file of Giggle at the Ghostie. It's got full instrumentation and it sounds great! Click here to see it.
If you don't have Tux Guitar, you can download it here. It's a free open source program, and it can also read most Guitar Pro files.
Thanks again to Top Hat for sharing his musical talent!
Hey fellow ponies! We know that some of you were eager for the complete sheet music of Art of the Dress, including the reprise. Our own Moonlight Sonata has finished sheet music for the reprise: you can find it here. Check it out, and keep singing!
CrayolaBrony has done it again! He, along with a team of other bronies, have released a new songbook. This one includes guitar chords to all of the music! Many of the chords are from our own Everypony Sings. Download it, print it out, and serenade all your friends at that next convention. You can find it here.
Make sure to also download CrayolaBrony's other songbook. It includes lyrics and key signatures to all the songs. And don't forget CrayolaBrony's DA page!
Hi all, this is Candy Coda. I've had rough chords for At the Gala floating around on my computer for a few weeks now, but I'm still not happy with them. So I wanted to ask you all for help! You can see the chords here. Please feel to leave comments or suggestions on how to improve them.
Again, please keep in mind that this is a very rough draft, and it still needs a lot of work. Also, you'll see that the chords are not terribly simple - you'll need to be able to play barre chords in order to do this one. Take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks!
Our own Moonlight Sonata just finished up sheet music for You Gotta Share. We can't get enough of that old-timey piano! Check it out here, and don't forget we have another sheet music version by Thomas Cool already posted.
In other news, we've been getting some comments and feedback on the content we've already posted to the site. We want to take an opportunity to say "Thank you!" It's so great to know that there are other bronies out there excited about the MLP:FiM music. Your comments (and corrections!) are helping us to make Everypony Sings better and better, so keep it up!
Blaze submitted a transcription of the Title Theme. It's absolutely wonderful, so make sure to listen to it! Click here to find it.
This is a ".tg" file, which is from a program called Tux Guitar. You can download it for free here, and it is available for just about every operating system. It can also open most files from Guitar Pro.
Thanks again, Blaze, for sharing your musical talent!
In case you wanted Pinkie Pie (or Flutterguy!) to put you in trances, we've posted sheet music for both versions of Evil Enchantress. Check them out here!
We are currently working on the chords for At the Gala. Stayed tuned for that post. Keep singing, ponies!
Hey ponies! We just uploaded melody tabs for the Title Theme and Giggle at the Ghosty (since a lot of the songs don't have guitar parts that require fingerpicking, we've deciding to just do a melody line tab for those songs). Check out the tabs:
We've added another team member on our About Page. Say hello to GlamStar Piper, also known as Bagpipe Brony! He has helped to get the site going and is a true master of musical composition. Make sure to listen to some of the music on his Youtube Channel.
We also created a full list of contributors on the About Page. Thanks to all the ponies who have made this site possible. The MLP community is truly a wonderful one!
On another note, come back soon as we'll be posting some sheet music for Evil Enchantress in the near future.
If you haven't already seen it on Equestria Daily, CrayolaBrony made a wonderful songbook for all the music in the show. It includes lyrics and the key signatures for each song. Bring it along for your next brony meetup so that you can all sing along together! Click here to see the songbook. Make sure also to check out CrayolaBrony's Deviant Art page.
CrayolaBrony is also working in collaboration with Everypony Sings to make a version with guitar chords. Stayed tuned!
Hey everypony! We have some exciting content to share today.
First of all, Kits wrote some fantastic drum tabs for the Cutie Mark Crusaders theme singalong from Ponychan. Check out the tabs here, and make sure to stop by Kits' DA page. The singalong can be found here.
Second, there are two more singalongs in the works: Art of the Dress and Winter Wrap Up. If you want to participate in these singalong projects, go take a look!
Two-thirds of Everypony Sings was away for the weekend on a short vacation, but Moonlight Sonata was hard at work on sheet music. We've just uploaded sheet music for Cupcakes. Check it out here!
We'll have more sheet music as well as some other fan content to post as the week goes on. Stay tuned! As always, you can get in touch with us at everyponysings <at> gmail <dot> com. Or you can follow us on Rainbow Dash Network.
Welthund has done it again! He used our sheet music and rewrote Hush Now, Quiet Now into a Guitar Pro file. Thanks for the hard work from this wonderful brony! Check out the Guitar Pro tabs here.
If you have content you'd like to submit to the site, email us at everyponysings <at> gmail <dot> com. Include a link to your DA page, Youtube channel, or other site, and we'll include it when we credit you!
Hey everypony! We've added sheet music for Hush Now, Quiet Now, courtesy of our own Moonlight Sonata. Check it out here. But if it's past your bedtime, we encourage you to leave the exciting day behind you and GO TO BED.
Just a reminder: if you're on the Rainbow Dash Network, you can follow Everypony Sings. You'll get updates whenever we post new content to the site. Keep singing!
That's right! We've just posted guitar chords and sheet music for the Cutie Mark Crusaders epic 80s-rock-ballad. Huge props to our own Moonlight Sonata, who worked out the sheet music (and without whom Everypony Sings would be in deep trouble). Thanks also to Bagpipe Brony for sharing his ideas for the chords.
Check out the sheet music here (via Google docs), and the chords here. Tabs for the squiggly-wiggly guitar (that's technical musical terminology, thank you very much) will be posted in the near future. Enjoy!
[Edit: We forgot to include a link to the tabs Shaico submitted. Our apologies for that! Check out his tabs here.]
Last week, the Hub released "Equestria Girls" — a parody video of Katy Perry's "California Gurls" with fan references to bronies and DJ-PON3. (How awesome is that?!)
Everypony Sings is happy to let you know that we've just posted lyrics and guitar chords to "Equestria Girls" under our Bonus Music category. Check it out by clicking on "The Music" or by clicking here.
As always, you can send us your comments or suggestions at everyponysings <at> gmail <dot> com. Or feel free to leave a comment on the songs themselves. Keep singing along, bronies!
Some more awesome bronies have shared Guitar Pro files with us! The first is for Art of the Dress from lolstaz. It's done extremely well, so make sure to go look at it. Also make sure to take a peek at lolstaz FA page.
Hey bronies! We are very excited to let you know that we have added all the materials for Winter Wrap Up. In addition to the guitar chords, we now have sheet music and guitar tabs. We know Winter Wrap Up is a fan favorite (it's one of our favorites, too), so now you can play along to your heart's content.
Check it out by clicking on "The Music" or on the links below:
Everypony Sings just joined the Rainbow Dash Network. For those who don't know, this is a social site similar to Twitter, but everything is focused on ponies! Sign up if you haven't already. Click here to join our group so that you can keep up with all the news at Everypony Sings.
We have more sheet music, tabs, and guitar chords coming just around the corner!
Hello again, fellow music-loving bronies! We just uploaded chords for Evil Enchantress (both renditions!) and Pinkie Pie's Singing Telegram. Go take a look by clicking "The Music" or by following the links below.
In other news, we love all the comments and submissions we've gotten from you, readers. Keep it up! You can email us at everyponysings <at> gmail <dot> com if you have tabs, sheet music, videos, or anything else you'd like to share. We'd be happy to feature it on the site.
There are a lot of fantastic pony fans out there! Today we have two Guitar Pro files to share with you all.
The first is from Bagpipe Brony. He did an excellent job putting some music together for the title theme. Go give it a peek!
Welthund also wrote our sheet music for Art of the Dress into Guitar Pro, and it sounds great. Make sure to look at!
Thanks to both of these bronies for sharing their musical talents. If you don't have Guitar Pro, there is an open source program called TuxGuitar you can use.
Bagpipe Brony has put together something amazing: sheet music for the Parasprite Polka. It is truly impressive work. All of the separate parts are written out and everything. Go look at it right now! There is also a file for Guitar Pro. Thanks, Bagpipe Brony!
Check back in the near future because we will be posting up chords for Evil Enchantress and Pinkie's Singing Telegram soon.
Today is your day, piano players! Thomas Cool has submitted a wonderful arrangement of You Gotta Share. You should definitely check it out. Thanks, Thomas Cool!
If you would like to submit music you wrote, write us at everyponysings <at> gmail <dot> com. Let us know if you have a blog, Deviant Art page, Youtube channel, etc. so that we can give attribution for your work.
On another note, we have more sheet music and chords coming soon. Stay tuned!
We have gotten some fantastic submissions from other MLP fans.
To start, Kits and NightColt wrote tabs for Winter Wrap Up. Both versions sound great! Click here and here to check them out. Kits also pointed me to two nice threads on PonyChan about MLP chords and such. Check them out here and here.