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Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000!

The Flim Flam brothers are at it again! By which I mean, we have another great version of their song to share. Reedmace Star sent in a transcription of the Flim Flam Brothers Song, and it's well worth checking out.

Reedmace Star included a variety of files: a Lilypond version, a midi file, a transcription, and a bass tab (the last two are pdfs). Listen to the song, or play along yourself! You should also check out R.S.'s Youtube channel.

Thanks, Reedmace Star!


  1. The PDF link to the transcription doesn't work! The bass tab document works fine, though.

    1. Thanks for pointing this out! Is it working now? If not, it is likely a problem with Google Docs, and I can find a different place to host the file.

    2. Yes! It's working. I don't know what you did though.

    3. I re-uploaded the file to Google Docs. Thanks again for telling me about the error!

  2. I think the faucet thing dates back to a time when people actually used the sink basin for doing things. You'd stop up the basin and fill it with whatever temperature water you wanted by using the hot + cold. Then you'd do your business with the water in the basin, and then drain it. Today we're spoiled and wasteful, and we just turn the water on and let it run five minutes while we wash our faces, or hands, or scrub that one spot out of our favorite shirt, or whatever.Transcriptionist
