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Chords! Chords! Chords!

I'm not sure how he managed it so quickly, but Yttdori has shared chords for all seven of the songs from the finale. If you want to play along with these songs on guitar (or any other chord-based instrument), this is the post for you!

Here are the chords:
Morning in Ponyville
What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me
I've Got to Find a Way
A True, True Friend
Celestia's Ballad
Behold, Princess Twilight Sparkle
Life in Equestria

Many thanks, Yttdori!


  1. I know this is really trivial of me, but capo chords drive me - as a pianist - nuts. I have to translate in my head what the true chords are supposed to be, or cross them out and write the correct chords on the paper with pencil or pen.

    1. Sorry they're not as helpful to you as a piano player! I think some submitters focus more on guitar or other fretted instruments.

    2. To add to that (and with no offense meant to Yttdori), I don't think some of these chords work, or maybe they sound better on a guitar somehow. I'm fiddling around with my keyboard in G major, and these chords don't really sound good.

  2. I've been tabbing out I've Got To Find A Way For hours, and that progression is a bit off. The intro chords aren't all Bbsus2, It's Gm, Bsus, B, Eb. Just trying to help (:

  3. Thanks everybody for the feedback. If it wasn't obvious already, I haven't been doing this very long. In fact, Babs Seed was the first song I've ever transcribed by ear, and it shows.

    Jordan, since I don't have a working piano in my house, I base the chords off of the guitar, and copy it from there. Also, going through the songs again, I noticed I made many stupid mistakes, almost all of it due to my incompetence, though hopefully, the revised versions should be better.

    Natalie, I based the Bbsus2 off of the piano arpeggio in the intro and chorus(?), which in hindsight, was a stupid thing to do. I have since fixed the song accordingly. Also, I'm very sure it's Bbsus and Bb, but I'm assuming they were typos, and not what you intended.

    It's been great working on these chords this season, and see you all whenever I'm needed (or not)!

    1. I just tried out your chords for "What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me", and while they mostly check out, there were a couple of chords that just did not work. For example, when Applejack sings "My destiny is not pretty", you have the chords as Bb > Ab, when they're actually Gb > Db (a IV to I chord progression).

  4. I think that in "What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me" the minor chords are wrong... i think Cm => Eb and then D. Fm => Ab and then G . Dbm => E and then Eb. It's the same progression of Find a Pet. The other chords sound good!

    1. I'm still waiting for PiranhaPlant's piano chords.
