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Smile: We've Got Flute Music! (And a Request)

Are you smiling? CHA sent in sheet music for Smile, Smile, Smile for the flute. I know there are more than a few flute-playing pony fans out there, so this post is all for you. You can find the sheet music here. Many thanks to CHA for sharing this resource!

Now, for a request: a barbershop quartet is asking for pony music they can sing together. They are specifically hoping to find music for Smile or This Day Aria. Can anypony lend them a hoof?


  1. I'm doing Smile. And, if no one else does Aria, I'll do that. Wait for my e-mail.

    1. Edit: No, I mean that the other way around. I'll do Aria.

    2. Glad to hear it! We will keep an eye out for your email and get it posted up to the site.
