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B.B.B.F.F. (!)

Wow, everypony. You all are blowing us away with your responses to the finale. The latest update is from skootties, who does really fun piano arrangements.

He shared a solo piano arrangement for Big Brother Best Friend Forever, and it is awesome. I have been singing this song on loop since I heard it yesterday, so I am thrilled to see a great piano version. You can check it out in the video, then download the sheet music and play it yourself!


  1. Aarrgh! Why is it in C#? Db is SO much easier to read on piano! Can you please make it in Db major?

    1. D Flat major would actually require more accidentals, making it even harder. So sorry, learn your enharmonics and sharps and practice, practice, practice!

      -Dimondium, composer for every instrument and transposition guru.
