Dimondium has shared another great piece of original music. This one is called Bitter Trails, and it sounds as sad and mournful as you'd expect for a song with a title like that. It's very well done—I particularly like the instrumentation Dimondium used. Listen to it in the video, or click through to find a link for an mp3 download. You can also visit Dimondium's Youtube channel.
Dimondium also has a request: he's working on another original composition with lyrics, but needs a vocalist. He says it's about everypony's favorite villain, Chrysalis... if you're interested, email us (everyponysings<at>gmail<dot>com) or leave a comment on the post, and we'll pass the information along to Dimondium.

Music by BassBeastJD
The talent of this community consistently amazes me, and here is a great example. BassBeastJD sent in three orchestrated pieces, and they are all quite wonderful.
The first, which you can listen to on the left, is a re-envisioned version of the title theme called My Little Medley. The other two are orchestral arrangements of Luna and A Long Way from Equestria. You can listen to those after the break.
Thanks for sharing your creativity, BassBeastJD!
The first, which you can listen to on the left, is a re-envisioned version of the title theme called My Little Medley. The other two are orchestral arrangements of Luna and A Long Way from Equestria. You can listen to those after the break.
Thanks for sharing your creativity, BassBeastJD!
Love is in Bloom Guitar Pro

This is a great resource to have for Love is in Bloom—dipus did an excellent job. Find the Guitar Pro file here. You can also find dipus on Youtube.
Thanks, dipus!
B.B.B.F. Forever Awesome
ESPPony, who's a member of the Everypony Sings team and a truly talented instrumentalist, does these great videos where he records himself playing pony songs (with several instruments!). You can find them on his Youtube channel.
His latest cover is for B.B.B.F.F., and it is excellent. Watch it—you'll be glad you did! In it, you can catch him playing bass, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, and keyboard while Twilight takes the vocals. Why aren't you watching it yet?
ESPPony also wrote some excellent music resources so that you can play it yourself: a bass tab, an electric guitar tab, and an acoustic guitar tab.
His latest cover is for B.B.B.F.F., and it is excellent. Watch it—you'll be glad you did! In it, you can catch him playing bass, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, and keyboard while Twilight takes the vocals. Why aren't you watching it yet?
ESPPony also wrote some excellent music resources so that you can play it yourself: a bass tab, an electric guitar tab, and an acoustic guitar tab.
Finale Music Resources Galore!
WeimTime007 shared a huge cache of music resources for the finale—visualizations and midis. Check it out!
For B.B.B.F.F., WeimTime007 did a version in C with a visualization (you can watch it after the jump) and a midi.
For This Day Aria, again, there's a visualization (after the jump) and midi.
For Love is in Bloom, WeimTime007 did two visualizations: one for the original version (after the jump), and one for the extended version (in the video to the right). There's also a midi of the original by whyPon and a midi and sheet music of the extended version by DJDelta0. Many thanks to all these people for sharing their great work!
For B.B.B.F.F., WeimTime007 did a version in C with a visualization (you can watch it after the jump) and a midi.
For This Day Aria, again, there's a visualization (after the jump) and midi.
For Love is in Bloom, WeimTime007 did two visualizations: one for the original version (after the jump), and one for the extended version (in the video to the right). There's also a midi of the original by whyPon and a midi and sheet music of the extended version by DJDelta0. Many thanks to all these people for sharing their great work!
Perfect Stallion Arrangement by skootties
The Perfect Stallion is one of my favorite songs from this show. I don't know why exactly. Maybe it's the adorable lyrics or addictive melody. Maybe it's the fact that I love it when Sweetie Belle sings. Or maybe I just like jelly - who knows.
Regardless, I'm glad that skootties has given me an excuse to spend even more time with this charming song! He wrote out a piano arrangement for the piece, which you can listen to in the video. Skootties always interprets these pony songs with a lot of grace and elegance, so check it out. The sheet music for it is over here. Thanks, skootties!
Regardless, I'm glad that skootties has given me an excuse to spend even more time with this charming song! He wrote out a piano arrangement for the piece, which you can listen to in the video. Skootties always interprets these pony songs with a lot of grace and elegance, so check it out. The sheet music for it is over here. Thanks, skootties!
Coconeru Performs Equestrian National Anthem
Coconeru is back with another great song to share. This time, he's done his own recording of the Equestrian National Anthem (find the original here). It's... it's over the top. In a good way.
Give it a listen. If you enjoy Coconeru's pony songs (as I do), then visit him on Youtube. Personally, I'm wondering if Coconeru has ever considered pursuing a career in voice acting, since he manages to sing with so many different "characters," whether it's a Disney-style villain, a cheerful pony, or a Soviet patriot.
Keep up the good work, Coconeru!
Give it a listen. If you enjoy Coconeru's pony songs (as I do), then visit him on Youtube. Personally, I'm wondering if Coconeru has ever considered pursuing a career in voice acting, since he manages to sing with so many different "characters," whether it's a Disney-style villain, a cheerful pony, or a Soviet patriot.
Keep up the good work, Coconeru!
A Nightmarish Battle
Here is another song from SandvichParty for you all to enjoy! SandvichParty really does some amazing stuff with drums, and this is a great example. The whole piece feels very dramatic, which is appropriate considering it is called "A Nightmarish Battle."
Listen to the song on the left, or visit SandvichParty's Youtube channel. Make sure to also check the collaboration that SandvichParty did with Coconeru in the post below.
Thanks for sharing!
Listen to the song on the left, or visit SandvichParty's Youtube channel. Make sure to also check the collaboration that SandvichParty did with Coconeru in the post below.
Thanks for sharing!
Kickin' Clouds
Okay, the only way I can describe this one is freaking awesome. Coconeru and SandvichParty, both of whom are well-known here on Everypony Sings, did a collaboration on an original piece called Kickin' Clouds. It is, well, freaking awesome.
Give it a listen! Coconeru's singing always makes me smile, and the two did a great job making this original piece. I'm confident that Rainbow Dash would approve.
Thanks to Coconeru and SandvichParty—we appreciate you!
Give it a listen! Coconeru's singing always makes me smile, and the two did a great job making this original piece. I'm confident that Rainbow Dash would approve.
Thanks to Coconeru and SandvichParty—we appreciate you!
Love is in Bloom for Solo Piano
The always-awesome skootties wrote piano sheet music for Love is in Bloom. It's a sweet song and a charming arrangement.
Even better, you can listen to it or play it yourself! Skootties' version is in the video, and the sheet music he shared is here. If you want to see other work skootties has done, check out his Youtube channel.
Thanks, skootties!
Even better, you can listen to it or play it yourself! Skootties' version is in the video, and the sheet music he shared is here. If you want to see other work skootties has done, check out his Youtube channel.
Thanks, skootties!
Music from Erccre147 and a Request

On a different subject, I recently got an email requesting alto sax sheet music for season two songs. If anyone feels up to it, please feel free to share. Thanks!
Background Awesomeness
Rusty shared chords to one of the background songs in the finale—the scene where Shining Armor and Cadence discover the power of love. For now, we'll call it just that, "The Power of Love" (if there's an official title, let us know).
The chords are great, as Rusty's work always is. Take a look at the chords here. You can listen to the song itself (extracted by MrNewbyNewb) in the video.
The chords will be added to the big list of music later today. Many thanks to Rusty and all the great ponies whose talents let us enjoy the music of MLP!
The chords are great, as Rusty's work always is. Take a look at the chords here. You can listen to the song itself (extracted by MrNewbyNewb) in the video.
The chords will be added to the big list of music later today. Many thanks to Rusty and all the great ponies whose talents let us enjoy the music of MLP!
Original: In the Land of Equestria
In the land of Equestria, everypony enjoys good music. I'm talking about songs like this one by crackinglazer. It's got some rockin' lyrics, a nice rhythm, and spectacular tonalities on the guitar. You can listen to it over on the right.
You can also head over to crackinglazer's Youtube channel to see the other music on there. Not to mention, crackinglazer has a super cool OC pony that you can see in the background wallpaper.
Many thanks to crackinglazer for sharing!
You can also head over to crackinglazer's Youtube channel to see the other music on there. Not to mention, crackinglazer has a super cool OC pony that you can see in the background wallpaper.
Many thanks to crackinglazer for sharing!
Holy Piranhaplant Chords!

Check out all these chords! This is perfect for those of us who are strangely obsessed with pony music. (But then, who of us isn't?)
The Perfect Stallion
Welcome Song
Cranky Doodle Donkey
Cranky Doodle Joy
This Day Aria
Love is in Bloom
Piranhaplant now also has a Youtube channel and DA page that you can visit. Many thanks, Piranhaplant, for sharing so much great stuff!
Trombones, Baritones, and Tubas—oh my!
We recently got some great sheet music from Erccre147, who writes arrangements for brass instruments like trombone, baritone, and tuba. Well, Erccre147 is back with some new pieces—check it out!
He shared a trombone/baritone version of So Many Wonders, as well as a tuba version of that song. Then he shared sheet music for the demo version of Hop, Skip, and Jump, again for trombone/baritone as well as for tuba. All of the files are on Noteflight. Enjoy!
Thanks, Erccre147!
He shared a trombone/baritone version of So Many Wonders, as well as a tuba version of that song. Then he shared sheet music for the demo version of Hop, Skip, and Jump, again for trombone/baritone as well as for tuba. All of the files are on Noteflight. Enjoy!
Thanks, Erccre147!
Love is in Bloom Tab

You can find the tab here. Thanks again, Crimson Riffs!
(Sweetie Belle has the best dress.)
Music Fit for a Wedding

If you've already started writing music for this song, please still feel free to send it in. This song is one of the best of the season, so it would be a blast to see all sorts of arrangements for it. The more the merrier!
Cranky Chords and a Request
Do you have a cranky friend? Would singing a song cheer them up? Maybe you could try playing these chords of You're a Cranky Doodle Donkey that Rusty just shared! Rusty always does a nice job with his work, so many thanks to him for sharing. If you want to see the other songs he's done, simply look down the big list of music.
Now for a different bit of news: I got an email today from someone requesting piano sheet music for Love is in Bloom. The plan is to play the song during his wedding reception (which is mind-blowingly awesome). If anyone feels up to it, I'm sure it would be very much appreciated!
Now for a different bit of news: I got an email today from someone requesting piano sheet music for Love is in Bloom. The plan is to play the song during his wedding reception (which is mind-blowingly awesome). If anyone feels up to it, I'm sure it would be very much appreciated!
Big Brother Best Song Forever

Okay, enough gushing from me. The point is, we have chords for B.B.B.F.F. from eXT! The chords are excellent, and they would work well for guitar or piano (or ukulele, which is how I've been playing them). Take a look!
Thanks, eXT, for feeding my addiction to this song!
Good Ol' Days Visualization
Are you familiar with the pony-inspired song Good Ol' Days? If not, you can find it on Youtube. It's adorable and charming.
Well, we have a submission from WeimTime007, who did a collaboration with whyPon and NewWorldMare to transcribe the song for piano. WeimTime007 shared the visualization of their piano transcription. It is just as fun as the original—they did a great job with the transcription!
Give it a listen! You can also find WeimTime007 on Youtube.
Well, we have a submission from WeimTime007, who did a collaboration with whyPon and NewWorldMare to transcribe the song for piano. WeimTime007 shared the visualization of their piano transcription. It is just as fun as the original—they did a great job with the transcription!
Give it a listen! You can also find WeimTime007 on Youtube.
A Coconeru Cover
The very talented Coconeru has created another piece of music: an a cappella cover of Rainbow Factory. If your not familiar with the original, you can listen to it over here. Coconeru trades all the instrumentation for the human voice, and the result is spectacular. It is even complete with a beatbox! Words cannot truly do it justice, so just give the video a listen.
Thanks to Coconeru for sharing. As always, don't forget that Coconeru has more music on his Youtube channel.
I hope that somewhere out there in this big world, there is a college a cappella group that specializes in pony songs. That would be awesome.
Thanks to Coconeru for sharing. As always, don't forget that Coconeru has more music on his Youtube channel.
I hope that somewhere out there in this big world, there is a college a cappella group that specializes in pony songs. That would be awesome.
Bass for B.B.B.F.F.

Sergmaster00 always does a nice job, so check out the tab here! Thanks, Sergmaster00.
Those last two episodes were pretty darn awesome. Too bad we'll have to wait for more. At least we have some good music to tide us over!
Smile for Piano
I've honestly lost track of how many awesome piano arrangements skootties has sent in, even in the last few days. It's great!
This time, skootties has shared a solo piano version of Smile. It perfectly conveys the cheerful, rolling rhythm of the song. It definitely put a smile on my face!
Listen to skootties' version in the video, then download the sheet music and play along yourself.
This time, skootties has shared a solo piano version of Smile. It perfectly conveys the cheerful, rolling rhythm of the song. It definitely put a smile on my face!
Listen to skootties' version in the video, then download the sheet music and play along yourself.
Title Theme Orchestration
Take a look at the video. If you have your own musical talents you'd like to share, send us an email! Find more info on the Submit Music page.
Thanks again to Mandelbrotato!
Tunes for Tubas, Trombones, and Baritones

It's times like this that I wish I was a band teacher so that I could make all of my students play pony songs. Maybe they would love it, maybe they would hate it, but I would certainly be happy!
Many thanks to Erccre147! Of course, you can also float over to his Youtube channel.
Kickin' Clouds
SandvichParty shared a fun original composition with us. It's called "Kickin' Clouds," and it's very cool. I think the drum line is my favorite part.
Listen to the song in the video, or visit SandvichParty on Youtube to find plenty of other cool videos he's done. SandvichParty always does a great job on these original compositions, so it's great to be able to share them here on Everypony Sings!
As always, you can share your own musical talents with us by sending us an email! Find more information on the Share Music page.
Listen to the song in the video, or visit SandvichParty on Youtube to find plenty of other cool videos he's done. SandvichParty always does a great job on these original compositions, so it's great to be able to share them here on Everypony Sings!
As always, you can share your own musical talents with us by sending us an email! Find more information on the Share Music page.
This Day Aria Instrumental
Here is the last post of the evening: a beautiful instrumental cover of This Day Aria by zsanderson3. His work on this is nothing short of beautiful. Just give it a listen for yourself; it's quite wonderful.
Many thanks to zsanderson3 for sharing. Zsanderson3 has a Youtube channel with some more great music.
Make certain to scroll down to see the other posts that were made this weekend. It has been a busy couple of days because of the season finale. Thanks to all the wonderful folks who have shared their talents! I feel honored to have read and listened to your music.
Many thanks to zsanderson3 for sharing. Zsanderson3 has a Youtube channel with some more great music.
Make certain to scroll down to see the other posts that were made this weekend. It has been a busy couple of days because of the season finale. Thanks to all the wonderful folks who have shared their talents! I feel honored to have read and listened to your music.
This Day Aria Tutorial
Hey everypony! Did you freak out during the finale over the awesome musical numbers? Of course you did. Do you wish someone would teach you how to play the This Day Aria on the guitar? I bet you do!
Well, it's your lucky day, because hod2tube shared a video tutorial for this song. It's an incredibly useful resource. Not only does it show you the chords and how and when to play them, it's also got notes about the music theory behind the song. Take a look!
Many thanks to hod2tube for this resource!
Well, it's your lucky day, because hod2tube shared a video tutorial for this song. It's an incredibly useful resource. Not only does it show you the chords and how and when to play them, it's also got notes about the music theory behind the song. Take a look!
Many thanks to hod2tube for this resource!
This Day Aria - Piano Version
Skootties, who already submitted a solo piano arrangement for Big Brother Best Friend Forever, is back again! He also wrote an arrangement of the This Day Aria for piano. Like all of his work, it's excellent.
Take a look at the sheet music after you've had a chance to listen to it in the video. Don't forget you can find skootties on Youtube.
Many thanks, skootties. You rock!
Take a look at the sheet music after you've had a chance to listen to it in the video. Don't forget you can find skootties on Youtube.
Many thanks, skootties. You rock!
Love is in Bloom Open Chords

Many thanks to ItWasUnderE (who has a Youtube channel) for sharing your wonderful work on this song. It is very much appreciated!
A few more posts left for tonight, so stay with us.
B.B.B.F.F. (!)
Wow, everypony. You all are blowing us away with your responses to the finale. The latest update is from skootties, who does really fun piano arrangements.
He shared a solo piano arrangement for Big Brother Best Friend Forever, and it is awesome. I have been singing this song on loop since I heard it yesterday, so I am thrilled to see a great piano version. You can check it out in the video, then download the sheet music and play it yourself!
He shared a solo piano arrangement for Big Brother Best Friend Forever, and it is awesome. I have been singing this song on loop since I heard it yesterday, so I am thrilled to see a great piano version. You can check it out in the video, then download the sheet music and play it yourself!
B.B.B.F.F. and More!

Rusty, who has shared a number of things with this site, wrote out some nice chords for B.B.B.F.F. This song is absolutely adorable (see picture on left for proof), and it is a joy to play. You can find the chords over here. Many thanks for sharing your musical talent, Rusty!
By the way, we won't be posting much about this new music over on the Rainbow Dash Network for the time being. We want to be respectful of their 48 hour no spoiler rule.
Stay tuned for more fun posts!
This Day Was Perfect
Time for the last post of the night, and it's a good one! Coconeru, an extremely talented musician, put together this video in which he sings This Day Aria. He totally nails the Disney-style voice - it's simply spectacular!
Surf over to Coconeru's Youtube channel for more great music. Thanks for sharing, Coconeru!
Make sure to check out the other posts for tonight: Hergest Ridge's chords for This Day Aria, Macs' chords for Big Brother, and PropellerHatTank's chords for Love is in Bloom. And don't forget to look at Power Chord's notice about backing tracks.
If you wrote out chords, sheet music, tabs, or anything else for these pony songs, I would love to share them. Feel free to send us an email!
Big Brother Best Friend
...And another post!
Macs shared chords for Big Brother Best Friend, which was 120% adorable (in ten seconds flat). Macs did some excellent work on these chords, and I am looking forward to singing along with the it in the very near future. Too bad I don't have a big brother handy to make it a duet.
Find the chords here. Many thanks to Macs and all the other very talented (and efficient!) pony fans who have been flooding our inbox tonight.
Macs shared chords for Big Brother Best Friend, which was 120% adorable (in ten seconds flat). Macs did some excellent work on these chords, and I am looking forward to singing along with the it in the very near future. Too bad I don't have a big brother handy to make it a duet.
Find the chords here. Many thanks to Macs and all the other very talented (and efficient!) pony fans who have been flooding our inbox tonight.
Love is in Bloom!

This time, it's from PropellerHatTank, who shared chords for Love is in Bloom. This sweet song was a great conclusion to a great episode and a great season. PropellerHatTank did a nice job on the chords, so you can play along, too! Find them here.
Thanks to PropellerHatTank for sharing these chords! You can find P.H.T. on Youtube.
(Who else was glad to see DJ Pon-3 again?)
*Spoilers* This Day Aria and a Lot More

Hergest Ridge's shared chords for This Day Aria. The chords are wonderfully detailed and a pleasure to play. There are also a number of helpful, interesting notes at the end. Here are the chords. Thanks so much for sharing your musical talent, Hergest Ridge!
On a side note, I assume that you wouldn't be visiting this site if you were worried about spoilers. We'll never post about anything that hasn't aired yet, but once it's been on TV, we'll make posts about it. The goal is to get the music out relatively quickly. Just wanted to give y'all a fair warning!
Backing Tracks are Here!

I plan on making more and will put them on the site when I make them, but until then, these will be here waiting for another rock god to take the stage. Rock on, bronies!
On a side note, how 'bout that crazy wedding, eh?
Becoming Popular Ensemble
Dimondium reworked the midi for Becoming Popular that KitRifty shared a few days ago. This version is a very cool ensemble with an assortment of instruments (piano, clarinet, guitar, tuba, violin, flute, trumpet, french horn, cymbal, drum set, marimba, etc...). So if you have an extremely awesome school band, this is definitely the piece for you!
There's a score (.nwc format—that's Noteworthy Composer) and a recording. If you click through the video, Dimondium also included a mp3 download link. Many thanks to Dimondium and all our other contributors!
PS. Have you watched the finale yet?! No spoilers, but I will say that it made me go "EEEEeeeeeeeee!"
There's a score (.nwc format—that's Noteworthy Composer) and a recording. If you click through the video, Dimondium also included a mp3 download link. Many thanks to Dimondium and all our other contributors!
PS. Have you watched the finale yet?! No spoilers, but I will say that it made me go "EEEEeeeeeeeee!"
The Six-Hooved Stallion

Gaz included several formats for this neat song. Listen to it over on Soundcloud. Then download a midi, sheet music, and a Guitar Pro 5 version.
Thanks for sharing, Gaz!
Never Stop the Journey
Coconeru does some amazingly fun covers of pony songs, and here is a great example! This time Coconeru made a cover of the CMC theme with all the over-the-top vocals. I would certainly give it first prize in the talent show.
I would definitely recommend also heading over to Coconeru's Youtube channel. He's got a lot of other fun covers over there, including a version of Cupcakes done with the ukelele. It'll make your ears happy!
Thanks again for sharing, Coconeru!
I would definitely recommend also heading over to Coconeru's Youtube channel. He's got a lot of other fun covers over there, including a version of Cupcakes done with the ukelele. It'll make your ears happy!
Thanks again for sharing, Coconeru!
Becoming (Even More) Popular
KitRifty (who's shared his musical talents with the site before) is back with a great transcription of Becoming Popular. It's a faithful representation of the original and an all-around fun song.
Listen to the midi in the video, where it's been resynced with the episode. Then you can download the midi or a Musescore file for your own listening or remixing purposes. Becoming Popular is one of my favorite songs from this season, so I'm thrilled to see another excellent resource for it.
Listen to the midi in the video, where it's been resynced with the episode. Then you can download the midi or a Musescore file for your own listening or remixing purposes. Becoming Popular is one of my favorite songs from this season, so I'm thrilled to see another excellent resource for it.
Song Visualizations
We have some very cool new videos to share with you all today. A big thanks to WeimTime007, who shared three great song visualizations. (Rainbow Dash would certainly approve of all the colors!)
Check out Giggle at the Ghostie, to the left. Two more videos—for Smile and The Perfect Stallion—are after the jump. All three are really fun. You can also visit WeimTime007's Youtube channel.
Thanks again, WeimTime007!
Check out Giggle at the Ghostie, to the left. Two more videos—for Smile and The Perfect Stallion—are after the jump. All three are really fun. You can also visit WeimTime007's Youtube channel.
Thanks again, WeimTime007!
Percussion Wrap Up
You know what never gets old? Listening to Winter Wrap Up. That song is as much fun as it was the first day I heard it.
What's even better is listening to new and interesting covers of this great song. Our latest update, from Forte Drumroll, is a great example. Forte Drumroll shared an awesome remix of Winter Wrap Up done only on percussion instruments. You definitely should give it a listen. Then see the other fun stuff on Forte Drumroll's Youtube channel!
What's even better is listening to new and interesting covers of this great song. Our latest update, from Forte Drumroll, is a great example. Forte Drumroll shared an awesome remix of Winter Wrap Up done only on percussion instruments. You definitely should give it a listen. Then see the other fun stuff on Forte Drumroll's Youtube channel!
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

Here is the sheet music, and here is the midi file. I suggest playing this song whenever someone new walks into the room.
You can also head over to Lifeinsteps' Youtube channel.
Dimondium has shared yet another beautiful original composition! As frequent visitors here at Everypony Sings know, Dimondium always does a great job with his pony-inspired music.
Today's update is no exception. This elegant and soothing piano piece is called Friendship. I think it's a fitting embodiment of the most important virtue of the My Little Pony-verse. Give it a listen in the video, or download an mp3.
As always, you can visit Dimondium over on Youtube to find his other songs.
Today's update is no exception. This elegant and soothing piano piece is called Friendship. I think it's a fitting embodiment of the most important virtue of the My Little Pony-verse. Give it a listen in the video, or download an mp3.
As always, you can visit Dimondium over on Youtube to find his other songs.
Collaboration is Magic
The update in this post is something I think is super cool: SandvichParty and Dimondium, both of whom are frequent contributors here at Everypony Sings, have collaborated on an original composition. A great piece of work like this just goes to show that friendship is magic!
The song is called Iniquitous, and it's an awesome synth orchestra type piece. You definitely have to give it a listen. Then visit SandvichParty and Dimondium on Youtube to see other pony-themed work they've done.
Many thanks to these two pony fans on their awesome collaboration!
The song is called Iniquitous, and it's an awesome synth orchestra type piece. You definitely have to give it a listen. Then visit SandvichParty and Dimondium on Youtube to see other pony-themed work they've done.
Many thanks to these two pony fans on their awesome collaboration!
A Circle of Friends Tutorial
DrSentenial, who shared some awesome piano tutorials a while back, is at it again! He shared another fantastic tutorial, this time for A Circle of Friends. You can watch it in the video to the right.
DrSentenial's videos are really impressive for two reasons. First of all, they're a great way to learn to play some of the MLP:FiM songs on the piano. But they're also impressive arrangements, which is not an easy thing to do. If you want to hear what I mean, listen to the uninterrupted version of A Heart Carol after the jump.
And don't forget DrSentenial's Youtube channel!
DrSentenial's videos are really impressive for two reasons. First of all, they're a great way to learn to play some of the MLP:FiM songs on the piano. But they're also impressive arrangements, which is not an easy thing to do. If you want to hear what I mean, listen to the uninterrupted version of A Heart Carol after the jump.
And don't forget DrSentenial's Youtube channel!
Introducing ESPPony!
Okay, the truth is that we have already made posts about ESPPony's
music, and many of you have already seen his videos on Youtube. But
today, I am excited to introduce him as the newest member of the
Everypony Sings team. He's going to be helping out with things
related to guitar and bass tabs, and we're really happy to have him join
up with the site. You can see ESPPony's large catalog of pony videos
and tabs over on his Youtube channel. He will be added on the About
page sometime in the near future.
You can see an example of ESPPony's work on the left: it's bass and guitar tablature for the Smile Song. It's absolutely fantastic (I find the bass line particularly addictive). ESPPony has this song divided into three parts: a bass tab, a clean guitar tab, and a distorted guitar tab. It's great stuff!
You can see an example of ESPPony's work on the left: it's bass and guitar tablature for the Smile Song. It's absolutely fantastic (I find the bass line particularly addictive). ESPPony has this song divided into three parts: a bass tab, a clean guitar tab, and a distorted guitar tab. It's great stuff!
Smile Chords by Halen

Pinkie's mission has been successful 'cause this song always makes me grin from ear to ear! Now I just need to find an excuse to sing it for my friends...
Piano Tutorials for Everypony!
A huge thank-you to DrSenteniel, who has shared a whole bunch of piano tutorials for MLP:FiM songs. We've got five to share with you!
The songs DrSenteniel shared are Becoming Popular (at left), Giggle at the Ghosty, Winter Wrap Up, Hush Now, Quiet Now, and At the Gala. Each one of these videos is beautifully done and should help any pony fan interested in learning to play the songs on piano.
You can find the other four videos after the jump. There's also sheet music for DrSenteniel's version of Winter Wrap Up. You can check out DrSenteniel's Youtube channel.
An Important Edit: The sheet music for Winter Wrap Up was transcribed by sociomaladaptivist, who has a Youtube channel with lots of really great music!
The songs DrSenteniel shared are Becoming Popular (at left), Giggle at the Ghosty, Winter Wrap Up, Hush Now, Quiet Now, and At the Gala. Each one of these videos is beautifully done and should help any pony fan interested in learning to play the songs on piano.
You can find the other four videos after the jump. There's also sheet music for DrSenteniel's version of Winter Wrap Up. You can check out DrSenteniel's Youtube channel.
An Important Edit: The sheet music for Winter Wrap Up was transcribed by sociomaladaptivist, who has a Youtube channel with lots of really great music!
Original by Power Chord: Rite of Passage

And don't forget that Power Chord is the newest member of the Everypony Sings team! He's been working on doing interviews with different pony musicians. His first interview was with Acoustic Brony, which you can read over here. There will be more in the future, including one with William Anderson.
Smile, Clarinet Style
Dimondium, who's contributed to the site numerous times before, is at it again! This time he's shared a version of Smile Smile Smile as well as an original composition.
Smile first: Dimondium shared sheet music for Smile to be played on the clarinet. He also points out that the music could work just as well for the trumpet, since both instruments are in the same key. Find the sheet music here and play along to your heart's content.
Then you can listen to Dimondium's latest original composition, Everywhere You Are. It's a beautiful and elegant piece of music, and definitely worth listening to. It's based on a fan fiction, which you can read here. You can listen to the song in the embedded video or download the mp3.
Smile first: Dimondium shared sheet music for Smile to be played on the clarinet. He also points out that the music could work just as well for the trumpet, since both instruments are in the same key. Find the sheet music here and play along to your heart's content.
Then you can listen to Dimondium's latest original composition, Everywhere You Are. It's a beautiful and elegant piece of music, and definitely worth listening to. It's based on a fan fiction, which you can read here. You can listen to the song in the embedded video or download the mp3.
Cutie Mark Crusaders Go Crusading Bass Tab
I've always wanted to see a tab for the Cutie Mark Crusaders Go Crusading, and icy780 has made my wish come true! If you need a reminder about what the song sounds like, check the video. There is just something incredibly addicting about that melody. Once it's in your head, it will stay there forever!
Icy780 did a brilliant job capturing this melody into a bass tab. It is a heck of a lot of fun to play, so I would definitely recommend checking it out here. If should also work for you if you're a guitar player.
Thanks for sharing this, icy780!
Icy780 did a brilliant job capturing this melody into a bass tab. It is a heck of a lot of fun to play, so I would definitely recommend checking it out here. If should also work for you if you're a guitar player.
Thanks for sharing this, icy780!
Extended Intro and King of the Hoard Tabs
I don't know about you all, but I cannot get enough of the Extended Title Theme. Fortunately, ESPPony is enabling my addiction by providing four different tabs for the song. Seriously! It's awesome! There's a bass tab, a guitar rhythm tab, and two guitar tabs for the verses (starting at 0:23 and 0:59, respectively).
ESPPony also shared a guitar and bass tab for the King of the Hoard song that plays in the background when Spike and the other dragons are trying to prove, well, who is king of the hoard. If you don't remember how cool it is, you can watch it in the video after the jump.
ESPPony also shared a guitar and bass tab for the King of the Hoard song that plays in the background when Spike and the other dragons are trying to prove, well, who is king of the hoard. If you don't remember how cool it is, you can watch it in the video after the jump.
The Secrets We Keep
Time for another update! Dimondium shared a beautiful original composition called The Secrets We Keep. It's elegant and well-orchestrated. The strings are particularly appropriate for the song.
Listen to the song in the video at right. Then visit Dimondium's Youtube channel. You can also find the pony music resources Dimondium has shared in the past on the Season One and Season Two music pages.
Many thanks to Dimondium for all the fantastic pony music he shares with Everypony Sings!
Listen to the song in the video at right. Then visit Dimondium's Youtube channel. You can also find the pony music resources Dimondium has shared in the past on the Season One and Season Two music pages.
Many thanks to Dimondium for all the fantastic pony music he shares with Everypony Sings!
Amethyst's Theme
SandvichParty wrote up this neat piece of music for a friend's OC pony. Its got a cool rhythm, some mellow piano, and a nice melody line. Give this neat piece of music a listen via the video on the left, or visit SandvichParty's Youtube channel for more fun music.
Thanks for sharing, SandvichParty!
Now it's time for a routine reminder: Everypony Sings is on the Rainbow Dash Network. You can follow us there to hear about news from our site.
Thanks for sharing, SandvichParty!
Now it's time for a routine reminder: Everypony Sings is on the Rainbow Dash Network. You can follow us there to hear about news from our site.
So Many Chords!
We have a whole pile of chords to share with you, thanks to Hammil. He sent in chords for five songs from the show, one bonus song, and one fan song. All the chords are really impressive and should work for a variety of instruments.
So play along to your heart's content to Giggle at the Ghosty, Winter Wrap Up, Becoming Popular, The Perfect Stallion, and Smile. You can also play the Italian opening to the show (watch it in the video at right) or the fan song Are You Proud to Be a Brony. (In the future, you can find the Italian opening in the bonus music for Season 2.)
Thanks for sharing so much music, Hammil!
So play along to your heart's content to Giggle at the Ghosty, Winter Wrap Up, Becoming Popular, The Perfect Stallion, and Smile. You can also play the Italian opening to the show (watch it in the video at right) or the fan song Are You Proud to Be a Brony. (In the future, you can find the Italian opening in the bonus music for Season 2.)
Thanks for sharing so much music, Hammil!
Cranky Doodle Ukulele Joy

Montage Tablature
One of my favorite things about working on this site is that I get to meet some truly talented people like ESPPony. He's a fantastic musician who does some really neat stuff with MLP songs.
He was kind enough to share his latest work: a guitar tablature and cover for Fluttershy's Training Montage. The video is over on the right, and here is the link to the tabs so that you can play it yourself.
ESPPony also has a Youtube Channel with more videos and music resources for the show. It's great stuff!
Friendship is Still Alive
Every once in a while I hear a song so charming that I literally can't stop smiling as I listen to it, and Coconeru's latest song is a perfect example.
It's an amazing instrumental piece that combines musical themes from Portal's "Still Alive" with MLP melodies. It was inspired by the recent April Fools' Day joke on the MLP Forums in which the site was transformed into the Aperture Science Laboratory.
Listen to it over on the left, and make sure to visit Coconeru's Youtube page. He's a super talented guy. so he has lots of other great songs on there.
Cutie Mark String Trio
Imagine if Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo tried to get their cutie marks by playing a string trio. The result might sound something like this awesome cover by Gaz. It's a string trio (that's bass, cello, and violin, if you're wondering) version of the Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme, and it's super impressive.
Listen to the song here. Everypony Sings guarantees that if you play this song in the background, it will make whatever you're doing at least 20% cooler. Well done, Gaz! You can find Gaz on Twitter @Mastersparking.
Listen to the song here. Everypony Sings guarantees that if you play this song in the background, it will make whatever you're doing at least 20% cooler. Well done, Gaz! You can find Gaz on Twitter @Mastersparking.
Sing it Very LOUD!
By Celestia! Dvixer sent in a truly impressive pony music project he's completed. He worked out the instrumental lines for the Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme, then mixed it back together with the original pony vocals. It's so well done, he had to promise it wasn't faked in any way. It's really as good as it seems.
Watch the video to see it for yourself, or download the m4a file. Then visit Dvixer's Youtube channel and give him a well-deserved thumbs-up.
Watch the video to see it for yourself, or download the m4a file. Then visit Dvixer's Youtube channel and give him a well-deserved thumbs-up.
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