Piranhaplant is a regular here at Everypony Sings, and always does a great job on music resources. This time around, he shared some for Raise This Barn.
There are Raise This Barn chords and sheet music. Give them a try on piano, guitar, or whatever instrument you like. I'm certain they'll be useful.
Well, I'd heard that Nokia phones were indestructible, but no one told me they were also musical instruments. Little did I know that creative people were out there creating pony music on old cell phones.
Cat333Pokémon has expanded my horizons by using Nokia 3595 to play Babs Seed. It is musical awesomeness. You should definitely give it a listen!
You can also find Cat333Pokémon on Youtube if you want to find more videos. Thanks for sharing, Cat333!
Vakanz is a budding pony musician who has shared a few songs with us in the past. His latest is called MHEAH. It's a fun little piece, and he wanted to share it with Everypony Sings.
Thanks, Vakanz! We always appreciate your contributions.
The mandolin is an awesome instrument. Anyone who plays it knows how great it is. And anyone who plays mandolin (and likes My Little Pony) will be thrilled about our latest resource.
A fan who goes by Dyrilby sent in mandolin tab for the Title Theme. The tab is in Guitar Pro format, and you can find it here (you'll need Guitar Pro or a similar program to open it). You should check it out! Princess Celestia would want you to.
We got a very cool piano cover of Raise This Barn from a pony fan who goes by (fittingly) FimFan14.
You can listen to FimFan14 play the piano version of Raise this Barn in the video. Then you can check out a midi or play it yourself from the sheet music.
FimFan14 can be found on Youtube and DeviantArt. Many thanks to him for sharing his musical talents!
Master Eto is one of the many talented fans who likes to contribute to Everypony Sings. Recently, he shared two great covers and bass tabs for both of them.
The first (which you can hear in the embedded video) is for Raise This Barn. The bass tab for that song is here. The second is for The Perfect Stallion, or the Hearts and Hooves Day song. You can listen to it or check out the tab.
I want to wish everypony a happy Hearth's Warming Eve! EPS will be taking the day off tomorrow, but we'll be back on the 26th.
We have a great team of talented fans here at Everypony Sings. One of the more recent additions is Dimondium, though he has shared plenty of music with us even before he was added to the team.
Well, Dimondium has continued to work on musical projects, and he has a great new original composition called Cerulean and Fuchsia were Made for Each Other. It's a duet inspired by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. I enjoyed it and hope you will, too!
It looks like Babs Seed's popularity is sticking around—or, at least, the song's popularity is. Submissions keep coming in!
Golden Glissando made a fantastic orchestral arrangement of Babs Seed. It sounds amazing. The instrumentation is well done, and I couldn't help but sing along. Give it a listen!
I'm glad folks are having so much fun with Applejack's first big song. It is a lot of fun, and it grows on me every time I listen to it.
The resources are starting to roll in, too! DJDelta0 shared a really impressive piano transcription of the song. I am honestly amazed that he did such a great job in such a short amount of time. Just listen to it already! You can also check out sheet music and an mp3 version.
Candy Coda wants y'all to know that the Season 3 music page will be updated with the new song tomorrow.
Are you getting together with family for the holidays? Is there a lot of stress and tension and anxiety around your family gatherings? Have you considered having a barn-raising?
Well, if you want to follow the Apple family example and have a good ol'-fashioned barn raising, then you'll need a good ol'-fashioned barn raising song. And Yttdori has helpfully shared some chords so your fiddler and banjo player can give you the musical accompaniment you need. Thanks, Yttdori!
DrSentenial, who has shared music with the site before, is a very talented guy who makes pony piano tutorials. They are a fantastic resource if you are looking for something new to play on your keyboard! DrSentenial has a new series of videos that he has shared with us: Making Cupcakes, Pinkie's Singing Telegram, the Welcome Song, and Ballad of the Crystal Empire. DrSentenial's Youtube channel also has videos of him just playing the songs without the tutorials. Even if you're not a pianist, you should still give them a watch. They are well done! Everypony probably has seen by now that there was a new song this morning. There will be more on that a bit later today.
We have another great cover of Babs Seed. This one is from EthePianoMan, who has shared a few of his covers with Everypony Sings before. As you might guess from his name, EthePianoMan is a really talented piano player. I love the energy he brings to this song. It's a lot of fun!
You can listen to EthePianoMan's version of Babs Seed in the video. I hope you like it as much as I did!
I never, ever get tired of Dvixer's floppy drive covers. The talent he has to turn outdated computer equipment into musical instruments is just awesome.
And, of course, I love the Babs Seed song. So I am pleased to let you know that Dvixer has shared a floppy drive version of Babs Seed. Floppy drives somehow capture the rhythm of the song perfectly. This cover sounds fantastic. Enjoy!
The Runner has shared some great original compositions with Everypony Sings in the past. Now The Runner is back with a piece called Zebra the Bloom.
Zebra the Bloom is one in a series of jazz songs inspired by the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It's very relaxing and peaceful. I could listen to it all evening. I hope you enjoy it, too!
I love the creativity in the MLP:FiM fan community! A pony fan who goes by Cyphers Wolf shared some of his original music with us and asked if we would share it with the community here at Everypony Sings.
Cyphers Wolf does a great job with his songs. I particularly enjoyed Double the Fun, which is about (who else?) Luna. That song is in the video. You can find his other songs over at his Youtube channel or Bandcamp.
Hey everypony! Are you still singing 99 Buckets of Oats? How many verses have you gotten through so far?
Well, Rusty has submitted a Sweetie Belle-approved resource for all your camp song needs! There's nothing better for camp songs than a guitar, and Rusty's chords will allow you to play along through all 99 verses.
More fans are responding to my plea for 99 Buckets of Oats resources! Master Eto shared a bass tab and demonstration video for what is sure to be the best song of Season Three.
You can find the tab here, and watch Master Eto play it in the embedded video. Then you can play it yourself on your next camping trip!
Master Eto also shared his cover of Smile, which you can find here. Thanks to him for sharing his talents!
Do you like the Ballad of the Crystal Ponies? Of course you do! Do you want to play it on the bass? Well, if so, you are in luck. PureAFM shared tab and a teaching video so you can learn how to play it yourself on bass guitar.
Watch the video to see PureAFM playing the song, with a helpful close-up so you can see what frets to use. You can also find the tab here, if that's easier for you to follow.
Hampshire Brony is back with some more 8-bit deliciousness. First off, there is Winter Wrap Up, which you can listen to in the embedded video. You can also listen to 99 Oats on the Wall via this link here. I challenge you to listen to it all the way through!
All of this music is wonderfully fun. If you recall, these pieces are written for the ZX Spectrum. Pony music sounds strangly good on it.
We got a very cool new kind of resource today—pony karaoke! A fan who goes by Cat333Pokémon made a great midi for Babs Seed, and did a karaoke video so you can sing along. It's a lot of fun, give it a try! You can also download the midi or an mp3 of the song. And don't forget to visit Cat333Pokémon on Youtube.
Many thanks to Cat333Pokémon for sharing these resources!
A pony fan named PrincessWishes shared a new resource for the title theme. She made a great sheet music transcription of the theme song. No matter how many times I listen to it, the title theme still makes me feel happy inside.
You can find the sheet music on Noteflight and give it a listen—or try playing it yourself! You can also visit PrincessWishes over on Youtube.
Thanks, PrincessWishes, for sharing your musical talents!
After I heard the song in Sleepless in Ponyville, I thought to myself, "I hope someone makes
sheet music for this. That would be brilliant!" And Teslahead made that wish come true.
Teslahead pointed out that he didn't included lyrics in the music, but you shouldn't have any problems figuring it out. At the very least, you should have it all memorized by the end.
I love MLP:FiM. I also love Adventure Time. So when the awesome Coconeru made a mashup FiM/Adventure Time/Friendship is Witchcraft song, it pretty much made my day.
Listen to Pony Cupcakes in the embedded video. It makes me strangely hungry for bacon, for some reason.
But that's not all, because Coconeru also sent in a cover of Anthropology, which you can find here. (You can also check out the original!) Double the Coconeru songs means the fun has been doubled!
Everypony must be really scared of Babs Seed (or maybe they feel bad for her!), since they keep sharing music resources for her. The latest resource comes from our friend Piranhaplant, who sent in sheet music and chords for Babs' song.
You can find the chords here, and the sheet music here. I hope everyone is having fun singing along to this song!
Speaking of recent songs, how come no one has shared resources for the song from this past Saturday's episode? Where is the Sweetie Belle love?!
A pony fan who goes by Master Eto shared a new resource for Babs Seed. If you play bass guitar and want to play along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, you need to check it out!
You can find the tab here. Also make sure to check out Master Eto playing the tab himself in the video. If you want to follow his work, you can find him on Youtube.
Many thanks to Master Eto for sharing a great resource!
Well, it was only a matter of time but we now have a forum! Here you can talk ponies with us, request collaborations and sheet music, showcase any music or art you may have done, and so much more!
You can find the site right here! We'd love to have you guys.
Hearth's Warming is coming up, and there is no better way to celebrate than listening to music. Ruby Shores shared this piece that combines everybody's favorite pony carol with a dance vibe. You can listen to this wonderfully fun song over on Soundcloud. It'll warm your heart!
Ruby Shores is particularly looking for constructive feedback on this piece. You can leave comments here or over on the Soundcloud page itself. Thanks for sharing, Ruby Shores.
Here is a little treat for all of the piano players out there. PrincessWishes put together this piano transcription of Fluttershy's part of Hush Now, Quiet now. It is an absolutely beautiful piece of music with a lot of elegance.
You can read and listen to the sheet music over here. You can also visit PrincessWishes' Youtube channel. Thanks for sharing your musical talents, PrincessWishes.
I had forgotten how wonderful the music from season one is!
If you're anything like me, you have a nostalgic love for just about everything 8-bit. All of those simple tonalities have a way of really letting the melody shine through. So needless to say, I think combining 8-bit and ponies is just about the best thing ever!
So I am very grateful to Hampshire Brony for sharing this collection of 8-bit music that he authored. It's all coded for the ZX Spectrum, and it could actually play on the original hardware. If you don't have one sitting around, just check out Hampshire Brony's Youtube channel. It really is great stuff!
SaxyBrony (aka Sonata Silencer) is one of the newest members of the Everypony Sings team. He's also a very talented musician! Right now, he's working on a chiptunes album of pony music, My Little Famicom. He wanted to share two of the songs from that album.
The first (in the embedded video) is Winter Wrap Up. The second, which you can find here, is for At the Gala. These are both awesome songs, and the 8-bit style sounds great!
In other news, SaxyBrony is looking for a banjo player to help him with a project. If you play the banjo, you rock! You should email him at saxybrony<at>everyponysings<dot>com.
MandoPony is a very talented fan of MLP. One of his original songs, inspired by Zecora, is called Home. It's a really charming and sweet piece of music. You can listen to it in the embedded video.
Well, another pony fan who goes by DCane wrote chords for Home and shared them with us. If you want to play this song yourself, check out these chords and give it a try!
A young pony fan by the name of Vakanz has shared his work here at Everypony Sings a few times before. He shared a new song with us called My Head's So Fluffy.
This is a goofy and funny original song. And it fits the ponies of My Little Pony—after all, they are rather fluffy! You can listen to the song here.
We have some new chords for Babs Seed! These chords are from TheBluesBrony, and he did a great job on them. If you're looking to play this awesome song yourself, check out this resource!
You can find the chords here. As I said, they look really good. I can't get enough of this awesome song, I'm listening to it on loop as I write this post. ^_^
One of the (many) great moments from last week's episode was Scootaloo's epic drum solo during the CMC induction ceremony. Coconeru, in his usual awesome way, made a Scootadrum tribute song, Scootaloo Slam Those Drums Into Oblivion.
It's really well done—and hilarious. Coconeru did a great job on this song, so check it out! As always, you can visit Coconeru on Youtube to find his many other videos.
Is there anything better than Minecraft note block songs? I submit that there is not. Well, okay, maybe the only thing better than Minecraft note block songs are Minecraft pony note block songs, and Pastel Ink has a special talent for making them.
Pastel Ink shared a Minecraft version of Babs Seed, and it is totally spot on. It sounds perfect. You should definitely give it a listen! You can also visit Pastel Ink on Youtube and see more of these great videos.
One of the things I love about the MLP:FiM fan community is how collaborative it is. Here's a great example: a few days ago, we posted a cover by DJDelta0 of a song, Awoken, originally written by WoodenToaster. Tonight, we have a visualization of DJDelta0's cover, created by WeimTime.
WeimTime does an awesome job with these visualizations, I always enjoy watching them. I think you will, too—take a look!
Jepp is a frequent contributor who does great work on guitar tab. This time, he's shared a tab for the Ballad of the Crystal Ponies (aka Ballad of the Crystal Empire). I'm sure this will be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to play the ballad on guitar!
You can find the tab here. Jepp also shared a midi and a wav file for his version of the song. He did point out that there may be some slight quality issues with the midi, but the wav shouldn't have any problems. Give them a listen!
The Cutie Mark Crusaders Go Crusading might very well be my favorite piece of background music from the show. There is just something about this melody that is so darn catchy. So I feel very fortunate DJDelta0 has arranged it for piano! It is a brilliant piece of work.
You can listen to it in the video, or download the sheet music over here. Now go out and have an adventure!
Thanks for sharing your musical talents, DJDelta0.